Mastering Plone 6 Development#
Mastering Plone Development is intended as a training to learn proven practices of Plone development. It's both, an online course and a sketch for an on-the-spot training.
The story of a conference platform provides a week-long training of several development topics that can be split in two trainings:
A beginner training (2 to 3 days) covering the essentials of Plone and Plone Volto.
An advanced training (3 to 5 days) with additional advanced topics.
This is the Mastering Plone 6 Development Training.
Mastering Plone 6 Development Training supplements Mastering Plone 5 Development with known best practices for customizing and developing Plone 6: Plone Classic + frontend.
In chapters handling Volto React frontend is a link to a chapter that covers the corresponding tasks in Plone Classic, and vice versa.
Plone 6 is not yet released and thus the training is a work in-progress and there are still some rough edges.
Mastering Plone 6 Development
- About Mastering Plone
- Watch the Training Video
- Introduction
- The Case Study
- Optional topics without documentation
- What is Plone?
- Set up Plone
- Set up Plone for the Training
- The Features of Plone
- What's New in Plone?
- Configuring and Customizing Plone "Through The Web"
- Customizing Volto Components
- Semantic UI
- Theming in Volto
- Extending Plone
- Extending Plone With Add-on Packages
- Write Your Own Python Add-On to Customize Plone
- Dexterity I: Content types
- Dexterity II: Talks
- Dexterity: Reference
- Volto App Development
- Volto View Component: A Default View for a "Talk"
- Behaviors
- Creating a dynamic frontpage with Volto blocks
- Programming Plone
- IDEs and Editors
- Turning Talks into Events
- Vocabularies, Registry-Settings and Control Panels
- Custom Search
- Upgrade-steps
- Testing in Plone
- Using Third-Party Behaviors
- Dexterity Types III: Sponsors
- The Sponsors Component
- Using Volto add-ons
- Extending Volto With Custom Add-on Package
- Extending Volto With a FAQ Block Type
- Workflow, Roles and Permissions
- Relations
- Reusable Features packaged in add-ons
- Complex Behaviors
- REST API Endpoints
- Volto Actions and Component State
- Permissions
- Releasing Your Code
- Using plone.restapi without Volto
- Using the code for the training
- Trainer: Preparation
Please note that this document is not complete without the spoken word of a trainer.
We attempt to include the most important parts of what we teach in the training. But reading it here can not be considered equal to attending a training.