Who are you?#
Tell us about yourselves:
Name, company, country...
What is your Plone experience?
What is your web development experience?
What are your expectations for this training?
What is your favorite text editor?
Classroom Protocol#
Stop us and ask questions when you have them!
Tell us if we speak too fast, too slow or not loud enough.
One of us is always there to help you if you are stuck. Please give us a sign if you are stuck.
We'll take some breaks, the first one will be at XX.
Where is food, restrooms
Someone please record the time we take for each chapter (incl. title)
Someone please write down errors
Contact us after the training:
Questions to ask:
What did you just say?
Please explain what we just did again?
How did that work?
Why didn't that work for me?
Is that a typo?
Questions __not__ to ask:
Hypotheticals: What happens if I do X?
Research: Can Plone do Y?
Syllabus: Are we going to cover Z in class?
Marketing questions: please just don't.
Performance questions: Is Plone fast enough?
Unpythonic: Why doesn't Plone do it some other way?
Show off: Look what I just did!
Follow the training at
You can use this presentation to copy & paste the code but you will memorize more if you type yourself.