Quick Start#

Set Up Volto Project#

To create our first volto project we will youse the volto generator tool (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@plone/generator-volto). It needs the Yeoman generator as a dependency. install that with npm install -g yo When you have that installed you can use it to generate a brand new volto project. In our case we will use the latest alpha version of Volto by using the --canaryflag like this:

yo @plone/volto <project-name> --canary

The dialogue in the console will ask you wether you want to install any addons. You can skip by pressing the enter button, as we dont want to use any addons for the training.

Build environments#

We need to build two environments. Start two terminal sessions, one for each environment, Plone and Yarn, and a third session to issue git and other shell commands. In each terminal session you should be in your project folder volto-hands-on-training or whatever you named your project.

Plone environment#

To run our Volto site, we will use the latest Plone 6 backend Docker image. You can start it by running the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e SITE=Plone plone/plone-backend:6.0.0b3

Keep that process running during the whole training in one of your terminal windows because the container does not have a persistant storage. So once you stop that container again some of you work might get lost again.

Yarn environment#

To ensure all required dependencies for starting Volto are installed run:


You can now start up your Volto instance by running the following command:

yarn start

Volto source code#

When developing Volto you will find yourself looking quite often at the Volto source code to see how things are done, the code syntax, and how to clone or override components. For convenience, a symlink to a copy of the Volto code is set up inside node_modules when you run yarn in your Volto project folder. You will find this copy of Volto in the omelette folder.