Preparation for the theming training#
We will use the following tools during the training.
npm (NodeJS)
plonecli / bobtemplates.plone
npm / NodeJS#
Make sure you have a recent LTS-version of NodeJS >= v16.x.x
You could also use NVM to manage different versions of NodeJS.
plonecli / bobtemplates.plone#
Install plonecli with Python3, on most Linux systems this can be done by:
$ pip3 install plonecli>=2.3
Currently plonecli only supports Python 3.7-3.9, but not 3.10 yet!
This will also install bobtemplates.plone.
To update bobtemplates.plone:
$ pip3 install bobtemplates.plone --upgrade
You can check the versions of plonecli and bobtemplates.plone as follow:
$ plonecli -V
Available packages:
plonecli : 2.3
bobtemplates.plone: 6.0b16
Testing the setup#
To test the setup, use plonecli to create an addon:
plonecli create addon plonetheme.tester
$ cd plonetheme.tester
$ plonecli add theme_barceloneta
$ plonecli build serve
After that we have a working buildout and Plone is starting.
Now let's verify that npm/NodeJS is working fine.
$ cd src/plonetheme/tester/theme
$ npm install
$ npm run build