Mastering Plone 5 Development#
This is the documentation for the "Mastering Plone 5" training.
Mastering Plone is intended as a week-long training for people who are new to Plone or want to learn about the current best practices of Plone development. It can be split in two trainings:
A beginner training (2 to 3 days) that covers chapters 1-18.
An advanced training (3 to 5 days) that covers the rest.
At conferences a shortened 2-day version of the advanced training with a slightly modified order is held.
Mastering Plone 5
- About Mastering Plone
- Introduction
- What is Plone?
- Installation & Setup
- Installing Plone for the Training
- What Vagrant is and does
- The Case Study
- The Features of Plone
- The Anatomy of Plone
- What's New in Plone 5, 5.1 and Plone 5.2
- Configuring and Customizing Plone "Through The Web"
- Theming
- Extending Plone
- Extend Plone With Add-On Packages
- Dexterity I: "Through The Web"
- Buildout I
- Write Your Own Add-Ons to Customize Plone
- Return to Dexterity: Moving contenttypes into Code
- Views I
- Page Templates
- Customizing Existing Templates
- Views II: A Default View for "Talk"
- Views III: A Talk List
- Testing in Plone
- Behaviors
- Writing Viewlets
- Programming Plone
- IDEs and Editors
- Dexterity Types II: Growing Up
- Custom Search
- Turning Talks into Events
- User Generated Content
- Resources
- Using Third-Party Behaviors
- Dexterity Types III: Python
- Dexterity: Reference
- Relations
- Manage Settings with Registry, Control Panels and Vocabularies
- Creating a Dynamic Front Page
- Creating Reusable Packages
- More Complex Behaviors
- A Viewlet for the Votable Behavior
- Making Our Package Reusable
- Using starzel.votable_behavior in
- Releasing Your Code
- Buildout II: Getting Ready for Deployment
- Plone REST API
- The Future of Plone
- Optional
- Using the code for the training
Please note that this document is not complete without the spoken word of a trainer.
Even though we attempt to include the most important parts of what we teach in the narrative but reading it here can in no way be considered equal to attending a training.