
In a typical modern web application architecture, we have two parts:

  • the backend server, which serves HTML pages to visitors

  • JavaScript code that gets executed in the visitor's browser and this constitutes the "client application"

In older Plone versions (up to Plone 5), all JavaScript code was bundled (concatenated, minified) into several static JS files that were delivered to the browsers. Deciding which static resources are defined, how they get combined, etc, was the job of the Plone Resource Registry.

With Plone 6, both Classic and Volto Frontend, Webpack is used as tool to gather all the required JS application code and bundle them into static JS files which are loaded by the browsers.

So Webpack, in our case, is the bundler. Given an "entrypoint", it statically analyzes all JavaScript code for imports and will discover all the code that needs to be included in the delivered bundle.

But the client web application is not only simple "classic" JavaScript. Volto itself uses a superset of JavaScript, the JSX syntax and, until recently, browsers did not suport Ecmascript Modules (.esm).

So, included with webpack is the following functionality (all via plugins):

  • convert JSX to JavaScript code (via Babel plugin)

  • transpiling ESM modules to CommonJS require-based JavaScript modules (Babel)

  • compiling LESS files to CSS, using the less-loader plugin

  • bundling the multiple CSS files together

  • bundling the multiple JS files

  • loading other resources, such as images

  • sometimes (depending on size), wholly including static images into the JavaScript bundles

There is a tendency in the industry to dismiss Webpack and Babel as being complicated and slow. For now it is the solution that provides the optimum amount of features and flexibility, while benefiting from the fact that it's the mainstream solution for these tasks.