Rich Text Editor Settings#

In this chapter we will learn how to change settings for the Rich Text Editor. We will add a button to the toolbar to underline the selected text.

In the config.js file we will create a new button.

import React from 'react';
import createInlineStyleButton from 'draft-js-buttons/lib/utils/createInlineStyleButton';
import Icon from '@plone/volto/components/theme/Icon/Icon';
import underlineSVG from '@plone/volto/icons/underline.svg';

const UnderlineButton = createInlineStyleButton({
  style: 'UNDERLINE',
  children: <Icon name={underlineSVG} size="24px" />,

Next we will add the button to the toolbar.

export const settings = {
  richTextEditorInlineToolbarButtons: [


Add a button to the toolbar to style a text selection as CODE.

 * Add your config changes here.
 * @module config
 * @example
 * export const settings = {
 *   ...defaultSettings,
 *   port: 4300,
 *   listBlockTypes: {
 *     ...defaultSettings.listBlockTypes,
 *     'my-list-item',
 *   }
 * }

import React from 'react';
import createInlineStyleButton from 'draft-js-buttons/lib/utils/createInlineStyleButton';
import Icon from '@plone/volto/components/theme/Icon/Icon';
import underlineSVG from '@plone/volto/icons/underline.svg';
import codeSVG from '@plone/volto/icons/code.svg';

import {
  settings as defaultSettings,
  views as defaultViews,
  widgets as defaultWidgets,
  tiles as defaultTiles,
} from '@plone/volto/config';

import { AlbumView, FullView, RatingWidget } from './components';

const UnderlineButton = createInlineStyleButton({
  style: 'UNDERLINE',
  children: <Icon name={underlineSVG} size="24px" />,

const CodeButton = createInlineStyleButton({
  style: 'CODE',
  children: <Icon name={codeSVG} size="24px" />,

export const settings = {
  richTextEditorInlineToolbarButtons: [

export const views = {
  layoutViews: {
    album_view: AlbumView,
    full_view: FullView,

export const widgets = {
  id: {,
    rating: RatingWidget,

export const tiles = {